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Beautiful Bouquets and Baskets to express your sympathy for someone's loss. Wonderfully arranged by our talented florists to minimise effort needed to care for the flowers. Includes a sympathy message card.

Sympathy Flowers

Pretty Floral Arrangement

A beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers and luxury foliage. The flowers are elegantly presented in a stylish wooden crate with a lovely bow and a gift message card. Take advantage of free delivery within our local Essex delivery area and receive a 5% online discount. UK delivery is available.

Pink Roses Hand-tied

Click for options. Select your ideal bouquet size with a range of 6 to 40 stunning pink roses! Enjoy free delivery in our local Essex area, plus a 5% discount when you order online. These exquisite luxury roses come accompanied by lush foliage, carefully arranged in a water bubble for long-lasting beauty. Complete with a grand bow and charming gift card, this is the perfect gift to express your love and appreciation.

Yellow Roses Hand-tied Bouquet

Click for options. Our Yellow Roses Hand-tied Bouquet is the perfect gift to brighten someone's day. With its vibrant yellow roses and lush green foliage, this florists bouquet is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face.  Presented in a bubble of water with a big bow and a pretty gift message card. Free delivery and 5% online discount . You can add a delivery date during checkout.

Sympathy White Bouquet

Click for options. A lovely way to express sympathy. A white and green hand-tied bouquet standing in it's own bubble of water with a bow and sympathy message card. Free delivery in our local Essex delivery areas and 5% online discount. A lovely amount of flowers, such as roses and lily, Alstromeria, Lisianthus etc. You can add a delivery date during checkout.

Pink Sympathy Hand-tied

Click for options. A pink and cream sympathy hand-tied bouquet standing in it's own bubble of water with a bow and sympathy message card. Free delivery in our local Essex delivery areas and 5% online discount. A lovely amount of flowers, such as roses and lily, Alstromeria, Lisianthus etc. You can add a delivery date during checkout.

Bright Sympathy Hand-tied

Click for options. A brightly coloured sympathy hand-tied bouquet standing in it's own bubble of water with a bow and sympathy message card. Free delivery in our local Essex delivery areas and 5% online discount. A gorgeous mix of fresh flowers

White Roses Hand-tied

Click for options. Free delivery in our local Essex delivery area and 5% online discount.  Our White Rose Hand-tied Bouquet is a classic and elegant gift for any occasion. This beautiful bouquet features a stunning arrangement of fresh white roses, hand-tied with greenery and wrapped with a delicate white ribbon bow and pretty gift message card. You can add a delivery date during checkout.