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Love and Romance

buy from local Braintree floristGorgeous Roses & flowers to make that someone special's day.  Our florists will lovingly create your gift & professional flower delivery drivers will deliver to the door.  Free delivery in Braintree and surrounding Essex areas.  Order online or call Braintree 01376 519814

Love and Romance

Twenty Four Red Roses

Click for options. Elevate your gift-giving game with our exquisite bouquet of 24 large head red roses paired with delicate Gyp. Our stunning florist red roses are a cut above the rest, not your average supermarket roses. Free delivery locally in Essex and a 5% online discount. This luxurious bouquet, perfect for expressing your passion and love arrives in a bubble of water with a big bow and a pretty gift message card.

Valentine's Bouquet

Click for options. 5% discount when you order online with Free Delivery. A lovely Valentine's bouquet including red flowers such as roses, carnations, chrysanths, Gerberas, Alstromeria etc. and mixture of berries and luxury foliage to brighten their day and to show your love. Delivered in a gift box vase.

18 Red Roses

Click for options. 5% online discount and free delivery in our Essex delivery areas.  This stunning bouquet of 18 red roses is the perfect way to express your love and affection. Hand-tied by our expert florists, these roses are carefully selected for their beauty and freshness. Delivered in a bubble of water with a pretty gift card.

Simply Twelve Roses

Click for options. Twelve lovely red roses - in a simple hand-tied, no fuss, no gyp and delivered in a water bubble in a lovely gift bag with a pretty gift message card. Free Delivery in our local Essex delivery area plus 5% online discount! You can add a delivery date during checkout.

Pinks Florists Choice

Click for options. Using the best quality, and best value for money blooms we have in on the day, our talented florists will arrange a beautiful array of pinks and complimentary colour flowers and will deliver it standing in a bubble of water with a big bow and pretty gift message card.  Free Delivery in our Essex delivery areas

Pretty Floral Arrangement

A beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers and luxury foliage. The flowers are elegantly presented in a stylish wooden crate with a lovely bow and a gift message card. Take advantage of free delivery within our local Essex delivery area and receive a 5% online discount. UK delivery is available.

Pink Roses Hand-tied

Click for options. Select your ideal bouquet size with a range of 6 to 40 stunning pink roses! Enjoy free delivery in our local Essex area, plus a 5% discount when you order online. These exquisite luxury roses come accompanied by lush foliage, carefully arranged in a water bubble for long-lasting beauty. Complete with a grand bow and charming gift card, this is the perfect gift to express your love and appreciation.

Yellow Roses Hand-tied Bouquet

Click for options. Our Yellow Roses Hand-tied Bouquet is the perfect gift to brighten someone's day. With its vibrant yellow roses and lush green foliage, this florists bouquet is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face.  Presented in a bubble of water with a big bow and a pretty gift message card. Free delivery and 5% online discount . You can add a delivery date during checkout.

Mixed Roses Hand-tied

Click for options. Free delivery in our local Essex delivery area with a 5% online discount. Beautiful mixed colour luxury roses and foliage carefully hand-tied by our expert florists and wrapped in our signature gift wrap and standing in a bubble of water with a big bow and pretty gift message card. Different Sizes available.

Beautiful Lily & Roses

Click for options. Free standard delivery in our local Essex delivery area. 5% online discount. A stunning mixture of lilies, roses and other flowers, beautifully arranged in a hand-tied and standing in a bubble of water with a big bow and pretty gift message card....choose your own colour! You can add a delivery date during checkout. Now with eco-friendly packaging!

Dozen Beautiful Red Roses

Click for options. 5% online discount and free standard delivery in our local Essex delivery areas! Includes Gift Card. Beware of cheap imitations, these are twelve beautiful roses - the real deal, large luxury roses not the supermarket small cheap roses. Beautifully arranged as a hand-tied in water with Gyp and berries, luxury foliage and delivered in a lovely box vase with a big bow.

Country Roses Handtied

Click for options. Free delivery in our local Essex delivery area and 5% online discount. A gorgeous hand-tied of country style luxury mixed roses and spray roses with luxury foliage. Arrives in a bubble of water with a big bow and pretty gift message card. You can select a delivery date during the checkout process. (MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR SAME DAY DELIVERY, CALL TO CHECK). Available in a range of sizes.

Beautiful Vintage Roses

Click for options. Free standard delivery in our local Essex delivery area with 5% online discount. A gorgeous hand-tied of luxury mixed roses and spray roses with luxury foliage. Delivered in their own bubble of water with a lovely bow and pretty gift message card.. You can add a delivery date during checkout. (MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR SAME DAY DELIVERY, CALL TO CHECK). Now with eco-friendly packaging!

Six Red Roses Hand-tied Bouquet

Click for options. Free Delivery in our Essex delivery area and 5% online discount. Six lovely big head red roses - presented in a hand-tied in its own bubble of water with a pretty gift message card, with Gyp and luxury foliage. You can add a delivery date during checkout.

Red Roses Gift Set

Click for options. A hand-tied bouquet of 12 lovely size red roses. Beautifully arranged with a big bow and delivered with a romantic balloon, box of chocolates and a cuddly teddy bear! Free standard delivery and 5% online discount. (design of teddy and balloon and chocs may vary from those shown)

White Roses Hand-tied

Click for options. Free delivery in our local Essex delivery area and 5% online discount.  Our White Rose Hand-tied Bouquet is a classic and elegant gift for any occasion. This beautiful bouquet features a stunning arrangement of fresh white roses, hand-tied with greenery and wrapped with a delicate white ribbon bow and pretty gift message card. You can add a delivery date during checkout.

Roses Hatbox

Click for options. 5% online discount and free delivery! A stunning hatbox comprising beautiful red roses together with foliage and berries or gyp. With a romantic gift message card. Beware of cheap imitations!!! - the real deal, large luxury roses not supermarket small cheap roses. What a wonderful way to show your love.

Single Rose in a Box

You choose the colour! A wonderful luxury large headed fresh rose beautifully presented and delivered in a presentation box with 6 x heart shaped milk chocolates and finished with a sprinkling of artificial rose petals and a pretty gift card. Free local delivery

Valentine's Tulips

Click for options. 5% discount when you order online with Free Delivery. A gorgeous bouquet of 24 red tulips beautifully presented in a glass vase together with luxury foliage and a romantic gift message card.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant

Also known as the Moth Orchid, this is a lovely quality indoor Phalaenopsis plant. Nicely presented by our florists in a ceramic pot and delivered with a pretty bow and gift card. The Orchid is generally white but colour and pot may vary depending on availability. Height is min. 55cm.  For Essex and UK delivery.

Romantic Bouquet

Click for options. A lovely romantic bouquet comprising red roses and pink Lilys with other flowers. Expertly arranged with luxury foliage and beautifully present standing in a bubble of water.  5% online discount and free delivery*

Hydrangea Bouquet

Click for options. A lovely Hydrangea hand-tied bouquet comprising cream roses, Lisianthus with Hydrangea and other complimenting flowers. Expertly arranged with luxury foliage and beautifully present standing in a bubble of water.  5% online discount and free delivery*. Different sizes available.

Glorious Hand-tied Bouquet

Click for options. A stunning hand-tied bouquet to impress, comprising Hydrangea, Roses and Lilies and other complimenting flowers.  Expertly arranged with luxury foliage and beautifully present standing in a bubble of water.  5% online discount and free delivery*

Country Handtied

Click for options. A lovely country bouquet comprising pink and cream roses with Hydrangea and other complimenting flowers. Expertly arranged with luxury foliage and beautifully present standing in a bubble of water.  5% online discount and free delivery*