We take great care in crafting each bouquet just for you, ensuring that it's a unique creation. While it will look similar to the picture, please understand that it may not be exactly alike.
Our Mixed Roses Handtied Bouquet is the perfect gift for any occasion. With a beautiful selection of roses in various colours, this bouquet is sure to brighten up anyone's day. Each bouquet is carefully hand-tied by our expert florists and wrapped in our signature gift wrap for a stunning presentation. Features: - A variety of roses in different colours - Hand-tied by expert florists - Wrapped in signature gift wrap - Available for delivery in Essex and nationwide Benefits: - The perfect gift for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries to just because - Beautifully presented for a stunning visual impact - Expertly crafted by our florists for a long-lasting and fresh bouquet - Convenient delivery in Essex for a hassle-free gift giving experience.
A wonderful selection of mixed-colour luxury large-headed roses with lovely foliage such as Eucalyptus, Salal, Ruscus, Pittosporum and Palm Leaves. Our florists will carefully select the best roses of the day so colours may vary from the picture shown.
- Lovingly created at our local Essex flower studio
- Delivered directly to the door by professional drivers
- Proper florist bouquet NOT flowers by post!!!
- Includes a pretty floral gift card
- Choose your desired delivery date
With our flower delivery to the door along with a floral gift message card, this handtied of Roses comes beautifully presented. Standing in their own bubble of water these flowers will arrive as fresh as possible and already tied by our florists so the recipient doesn't have to re-arrange - a lovely gift for all occasions. 5% online discount and free delivery in our flower delivery areas including Braintree, Witham Chelmsford, Great Leighs, Great Notley, Black Notley, White Notley, Great Baddow, Cressing, Silver End, Kelvedon, Feering, Tiptree, Great Braxted, Great Totham, Maldon, Little Baddow and Coggeshall and Danbury and surrounding towns and villages.