A wonderful selection of Florists roses, together with spray roses with lovely foliage such as Eucalyptus, Salal, Ruscus, Pittosporum and Palm Leaves and a floral gift message card, beautifully presented, and standing in their own bubble of water these flowers will arrive as fresh as possible and already tied by our florists so the recipient doesn't have to re-arrange - a lovely gift for all. (vase not included).
- Lovingly created at our local Essex flower studio
- Delivered directly to the door by professional drivers
- Proper florist bouquet NOT flowers by post!!!
- Includes a pretty floral gift card
- Choose your desired delivery date
5% online discount and free delivery in our flower delivery areas including Braintree, Witham Chelmsford, Great Leighs, Great Notley, Black Notley, White Notley, Great Baddow, Cressing, Silver End, Kelvedon, Feering, Tiptree, Great Braxted, Great Totham, Maldon, Little Baddow and Coggeshall and Danbury and surrounding towns and villages.